Monday, March 8, 2010

A Picture Worth 10,000 Words

Haiti is a nation of more than 6 million people of which over half live in and around the capital city of Port au Prince. It has had a long history of corruption and trouble. It was the first island in the Caribbean to be visited by Christopher Columbus in 1492 which was called Hispaniola.
The Spaniards exploited the island for its gold. They forced the indigenous Indians on the island to mine the gold. Those refusing to work were either killed or sold as slaves. The white man brought small pox and other infectious diseases to the island and killed off nearly all the Indian population. So they started bringing slaves over in 1517 from Africa. By 1789 nearly 500,000 slaves were being used to raise sugar, tobacco, and other crops that made the island one of the richest and most profitable of all the Caribbean.
Why this history lesson? From its' earliest beginnings this island has been exploited, mistreated, and built on evil intention. It has NEVER had peace, prosperity and rest.
Now Haiti lies in waste, its' land raped and destroyed, and the people pillaged and desperate for hope. Even in modern times the government their has been corrupt and ineffective in helping the nation find recovery and restoration. A land RICH in natural resources and yet the POOREST island in the Caribbean with a GDP of less then $800 per person per year.
So what you see in the capital building is not just a picture of a building but a visual representation of the state of the government and the people it represents. For years the country has been a United Nations experiment which could be said to be a colossal failure. Something to be said of government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people.
"Blessed is the NATION whose God is the Lord..." so says Scripture. The Lord has a plan for Haiti. He wants to bless and prosper these people and this land. Corruption must go, righteousness must come. God is looking for a man --AMONG THEM-- who will bring Jesus Christ as Lord over this land! This is a country whose national religion was VOODOO!!! But I believe they are ripe for a return to JESHUA! He will break their bands asunder and bring freedom from sin and sin's blight to the people.
Read Psalm 46 and pray over Haiti with me. "God is our refuge and strength, and ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way...and the mountains quake...GOD WILL HELP HER....Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth..."
Let God arise and all His enemies be scattered! It is time for Haiti to have revival! It is time for the people to be set free! It is time for the Church to rise up and take this land for Christ! It is time to REBUILD! Not just a building, but the entire soul and spirit of the nation! Her walls are crumbled, and her foundations are destroyed. "He raises the poor fro the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he sets them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. For the foundations of the earth are the Lord's...(1 Sam. 2:8)
You might say what has that got to do with me? This Church is your calling, this is our purpose. Listen to Isaiah. "Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; YOU will be called REPAIRER OF BROKEN WALLS, RESTORER OF STREETS WITH DWELLINGS" (58:12)
While walking through the ruins in Haiti it finally dawned on me--In the natural I was there to do RELIEF work. But spiritually I was there to repair and restore--not just a natural building but spiritual a house for which the Lord will INHABIT! We are called to be RE BUILDERS even when the ruins are historic and profound. I am a REPAIRER and so are YOU! It is time for a new picture, for a new day in Haiti and the rest of the world. Let us take our place and do our job!